Enhancing Body Function for Enhanced Fertility
Treat the environment inside the body to promote fertility rather than focus on the infertility issue itself.
One of the rising health concerns today centers on issues around fertility. Many medical treatments focus on the female or male organs involved directly with fertility such as the ovary, the uterus, the testicle etc. Jason’s approach has always been that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. This is why he focuses on all organs and systems that are involved with fertility, not just the specific parts directly involved. Jason’s goal is to create an environment inside the body promoting fertility, proper fertilization and/or implantation.
Detoxification is often chosen by couples who want to start a family. Beneficial for both men and women, it helps ensure that parents are in optimal health prior to conceiving. Intensive detoxification, for example, has been shown to clear toxins from breast tissue, resulting in cleaner, healthier breast milk for your child.
Fertility support involves many organ systems in the body and it is best to get assessed to see which system needs to be addressed first and which type of protocol is required for best results.
The Fertility Support Program focuses on:
- Remove obstacles that prevent proper hormone balance and blood flow to organs
- Reestablish a proper medium inside the body to promote fertility and reduce inflammation
- Replace the nutritional factors that can help to enhance fertility
It is important to treat the environment inside the body that creates dysfunction to exist in the first place rather than the dysfunction itself.
The Program is Ideal for:
- Patients who have tried to conceive and have not been able to do so successfully
- Patients who have had multiple miscarriages and are unable to retain a pregnancy to term
- Patients who have been diagnosed with “infertility of unknown etiology” or no known cause of infertility
- Male patients with low sperm counts, lack of sperm motility or lack of viable sperm
- Female patients with hormonal problems, menstrual difficulties or other female gynecological problems which may prevent pregnancy from occurring
- Patients who have had children in the past but cannot get pregnant again