Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine class of 2003
4 year academic program for a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine ND
McMaster University class of 1999
4-year academic program for Bachelor of Science Honours
Majoring in Biology
Speaking Experience:
Functional Medicine Clinical Series Keynote Speaker 2006 – present
FMCS is the educational arm of the Functional Medicine Research Centre which provides innovative lecture series to help practitioners keep up with the latest research and apply the principles of functional medicine to their practices.
Motivational Speaker: 1997-present
Motivational speaker for students and student leaders at various elementary and post-secondary schools and Universities. Health motivational speaker for various companies and community groups
Teaching Experience:
Institute of Natural Health Technologies 2008 – present
Lecturer on topics pertaining to clinical iridology, allergy therapy and physiology
Canadian College of Osteopathy 2005 – 2007
Lecturer on topics pertaining to biochemistry, physiology and anatomy
Board Experience:
BLAST (Balanced Living Active Sport Training) Board Member 2006-present
BLAST is a not for profit organization that empowers youth with sport training and motivation on topics pertaining to health and wellness. It is a program designed to prepare children and youth for a lifetime of healthy activity.
Halton Children’s Aid Society Board Member 2005-2006
In partnership with families and the community, the Halton Children’s Aid Society’s mission is to protect children and enable them to grow and realize their potential within a safe and nurturing environment.
Millennium Kids Senior Advisor 2004-2006
Millennium Kids (MK) is a non-profit, non-government organization run by youth for youth. MK was established in response to the youth demand for a greater say about their environment and the world. Senior Advisor help to develop programming initiatives that empower youth to deal with environmental, health and social justice issues through networking, action and leadership.
Experience Highlights:
Naturopathic Doctor and Clinical Director 2009 – present
Clinical director and naturopathic doctor for innermedica
Naturopathic Doctor 2003 – present
Self employed in private practice
Parkdale Medical Clinic Intern 2002-2003
Volunteer clinical work as a Naturopathic Intern responsible for treating patients and providing valuable community support and health education within the Toronto Parkdale community.
Naturopathic Student Association (NSA) Event Programmer 2000-2002
Clubs Administrator, Student Services Representative and event programming and event sponsorship for the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine.
Naturopathic Student Association Class Representative 1999-2000
First-Year Representative responsible for representing class issues, organizing and promoting events, and attending weekly planning sessions on academic and social infrastructure.
2003 – Valedictorian
Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine – Naturopathic Doctor Graduating Class
2003 – Naturopathic Honour
Awarded for leadership and community service to the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine
2003 – Dr. Shimon Levytam Award
In recognition of outstanding understanding of the principles of naturopathic medicine and applying them in daily clinical practice
2003 – Trevian Lee Gould Award
In recognition of exemplifying integrity as a professional in the naturopathic field and inspires others to follow this example
2003 – The Vitality Award
Awarded for increasing unity and spirit within the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine