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Thyroid Functional Testing

A thyroid imbalance may elicit symptoms as: headaches, poor skin, weight gain or loss, anxiety, decreased memory, difficulty concentrating, muscle and joint pain, and low sex drive. The thyroid hormones are the regulators of the body’s metabolism. These hormones help breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins, fat and vitamin/mineral utilization. They affect your muscle activity, nerve activity, blood flow, and reproduction system. The following are two dynamic tests which measure thyroid function in the body. Chronic long term stress and overload, heavy metal toxicity, nutrient deficiencies and poor absorption can all lead to thyroid problems.

Iodine Patch Test

This test roughly assesses thyroid iodine levels by rubbing tincture of iodine to the forearm and timing how long it takes to disappear. Normally the iodine should disappear within 24 hours. If it disappears faster there may be insufficient levels of iodine to normalize thyroid hormone production

Basal Body Temperature

There is a link between thyroid activity and basal body temperature. Normal axillary (arm-pit) temperature in rising should be between 36.6 – 36.8°C  (97.8 – 98.2°F) Measurement of the axillary temperature over a few weeks can indicate dynamic thyroid functioning and assess whether thyroid function low or high. Note: axillary temperature is 1°C below oral temperature and rectal temperature is 1°C above oral temperature.


  • Prior to going to sleep, shake down the glass mercury thermometer to below 35°C  (95°F).  Place it next to your bed.  An automatic digital thermometer may also be used for the test. Automatic digital thermometers tend to be more temperamental than glass mercury thermometers.
  • On waking (after a minimum of 5 hours sleep), without getting out of bed or moving about, place the thermometer in the center of your armpit.  It is best to lie still with your eyes closed while waiting to take a reading.  For mercury thermometers, leave the thermometer in your armpit for 10 minutes.  For digital thermometers, record the temperature at the beep.  Proper positioning of the digital thermometer in the center of your armpit is important.  Improper positioning may result in temperature readings below actual values. Note: if under the arm cannot be performed use an oral temperature instead
  • Record the temperature every morning.  (Preferably at the same time of the day).  For women begin at any day in the cycle.  Indicate the first and last day of your menstrual period.
  • Record the results on the graph with a dot – join the dot to the previous day’s reading with a line. If you miss a reading leave a space
  • The first day of menstrual flow is considered to be the start of a new cycle. Indicate each day of flow by darkening the appropriate square on the menses row of that day
  • Any obvious reason for temperature variation such as colds, infection, insomnia, indigestion, or taking medications etc. should be recorded in the notes section of the appropriate day