The Philosophy
Jason’s philosophy of care rests on the basic fundamentals – to teach, to empower and to restore. As your naturopathic doctor, he will invest time, research, expertise and compassion into your case to develop an in-depth understanding of your personal health is the key this is the key to developing a personalized treatment plan.
The Health Coach
As a motivational speaker and health coach, Jason will share the empowering principles of health to help you achieve personal health goals which will guide your body toward self restoration. His goal is help guide and motivate you towards healthy living. He will gather a medical history, inquire about your diet, discuss any stresses in your life, conduct various non-invasive tests designed to evaluate body functioning and advise you concerning your condition.
The Laws Nature Cure
As one of his patients, you will experience techniques and treatments that are consistent with the philosophy of naturopathic medicine and natural cures. These treatments will enable your body to heal itself, restore optimal health and prevent problems from occurring in the future. In a society focused on the drugs and surgery mindset, it is his goal to provide you with more options to treat disease and pain. These options, along with being non-invasive, are all natural and backed by years of clinical research and observation.