What are the Benefits of a Heavy Metal Screening Test?
- Ability to quickly obtain the heavy metal urine concentration or detoxification capacity.
- Monitor the heavy metal concentration or detoxification capacity over time as you undergo a heavy metal detoxification protocol.
- The assessment of the heavy metal concentration or detoxification capacity may serve as an early indicator associated with heavy metal intoxication
How is the Test Performed?
This test is done in the office through a urine sample test. The scientifically documented Heavy Metal Screening Test allows the detection of free electrically active heavy-metal ions in any aqueous (liquid) solution. This procedure, employed medically as an in vitro screen tool, is based on the dithizone* reaction method which ahs been known to chemical science for more than 60 years.
The reagent, dithizone** is able to indicate the presence of heavy metal ions in qualitative and in quantitative terms. In binding with the unbound or free metal ions, colored complexes are formed. The reaction times of the heavy metal ions vary; therefore depending on their respective concentrations, different colorations occur from which one can, in addition to the qualitative conclusions, also semi-quantitative ones regarding the contaminant.
Test for the following: Copper, Zinc, Cadmium, Mercury, Lead, Nickel
* Isolation and determination of Trace Metals. The Dithizone System. H.J. Wichmann, Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington D.C; Industrial and Engineering Chemistry.
** Dithizone (1,5-Diphenylthiocarbaazone) is a current reagent since it was introduced in trace-analytical chemistry in 1925. It is excellently suited for trace determination of 1-3 valent ions of several transition metals.
Excerpts from Expert Evaluations of the Heavy Metal Test
“We thoroughly investigated the test system with regard to its sensitivity and its specificity and found consistent evidence that it is possible to detect individual toxicologically relevant metals in urine or water specimens in the range of a few ppm, at times even fractions of one ppm. This makes it possible to obtain on the spot clinically important preliminary data.”
– J. Lemann, Dr. rer.nat, Toxicologist and Medical Expert, Institute of Toxicology and Medical Laboratory Diagnostics, Hirschberg, Germany
“This report is intended to be an independent assessment of the claims of performance of a novel detection system for some transition metals. These materials are commonly known as toxic or heavy metals […] it was found that the system shows remarkable sensitivity for such a simple procedure.”
– K.H. Bell Ph.D., Professor and Head, Department of Chemistry, The University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia
“Until the beginning of the nineteen-seventies this reagent was in predominant use for the detection of heavy metal traces in the water supply. It is a certified German Government Standard procedure for water supply analysis.”
– G. Schwedt, Dr. rer.nat, Professor and Director, Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Technical University of Clausthal, Germany